Nick Fury Costume T-Shirt


Nick Fury Costume T-Shirt


Become the covert leader of S.H.I.E.L.D. in this Nick Fury costume t-shirt. Add a toy weapon and an eye patch and you’ll have Hydra agents on your tail in no time!


SKU:  668674446 Categories:  , .


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He ain’t got no time for your B.S. This bad dude has bad guys to bust, and some upper level management to do. He has the busy covert leader of the action packed S.H.I.E.L.D. initiative. He has Hydra agents on the run 24 hours a day, and he never backs down. The Avengers would be lost without the man with a plan, good ol’ Nick Fury.

You can be just like him in the Nick Fury Costume T-Shirt. Pop on an eye patch, grab a toy gun, and get ready to be Nick. The 100 percent cotton shirt will help you bring down Hydra as the man in charge. Be the Marvel superhero you’ve always wanted to be in the Nick Fury Costume T-Shirt.