Darth Vader Authentic Mask & Helmet

180 $

Darth Vader Authentic Mask & Helmet

180 $

No, I am your father! That’s what you’ll be dying to say while wearing this Darth Vader Authentic Mask and Helmet. It’s officially licensed from the Star Wars movies and is made from the original molds.


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We can’t wait for the future, when cybernetic implants will surely let us listen to The Imperial March in flawless hi-fi just by thinking about it. But until then, we’ll just have to stare at this stunning Darth Vader Authentic Mask & Helmet and try not to get drool all over ourselves. Because whenever we’re in the presence of one of the most iconic masks ever committed to film, immortalized in high-quality injection molded ABS plastic, our jaws drop–and we could swear we start to hear our favorite Sith lord’s familiar orchestral motif!

From the moment you look on it with your own eyes, you’ll surely agree that it’s no longer possible to underestimate the power of the dark side. Our first peek brought back feelings we’d not felt since the opening trumpet salvo of the film that started it all! Which you’re probably going to want to watch again, since it will let you appreciate the authenticity of this incredible mask, cast from original studio molds.